2021第14届昆明国际美容美发化妆用品博览会 The 14th Kunming beauty products fair 2021 时间:2021年6月1-3日 地点:昆明国际会展中心 Time: June 1-3, 2021 location: Kunming International Convention and Exhibition Center 联系人(可微信) Contact person (wechat) 展会负责人:李经理 手机:186---1606----6636(微信) Person in charge of the exhibition: Manager Li Mobile: 186 --- 1606 --- 6636 (wechat) 标准展位配置:1、一张洽谈桌(信息台)2、两把椅子3、一只电源插座(220V/5A) Standard booth configuration: 1. One negotiation table (information desk) 2. Two chairs 3. One power socket (220V / 5A) 4、中英文公司名称楣板一块 4. Chinese and English Company Name: a lintel 旗舰展位配置:1.在普通标准展位的基础上铺设地毯2.彩色企业宣传门楣3.高档玻璃洽谈桌一套。4.方形洽谈桌椅一套 Flagship booth configuration: 1. Lay carpet on the basis of ordinary standard booth 2. Color enterprise publicity lintel 3. A set of high-grade glass negotiation table. 4. A set of square table and chair 特装展位为36平以上空地:不配桌椅、电源,如有需要请自行向展馆租赁,特装布展时要另外向展馆交纳场地施工费,以及水电费,特装管理费(以当地展馆报价为准) The space of special booth is more than 36 square meters: no tables, chairs and power supply are provided. If necessary, please rent from the exhibition hall by yourself. When arranging the special booth, you should pay the site construction fee, water and electricity fee, and special management fee to the exhibition hall (subject to the quotation of the local exhibition hall) 展会负责人:经理 手机:l86-l606-6636 (微信) Person in charge of the exhibition: manager mobile: l86-l606-6636 (wechat) 展会发布者资料; 单位: 上海展窑展览服务有限公司 ![]() 姓名: 李东 电话: 18616066636 |