2020年上海法兰克福汽配展(AMS) 展出时间:2020年12月2-12月5日 When on display: 12 November 2-december 5, 2020 展出地址:上海国家会展中心(崧泽大道333号) Exhibition address: Shanghai national exhibition center (no. 333 songze avenue) 规模:360,000平方米(全球第二的行业盛会) Scale: 360,000 square meters (the world's second largest industry event) 专业买家:159,728名来自143个国家及地区的买家 Professional buyers: 159,728 buyers from 143 countries and regions 参展商家:6,590名来自39个国家及地区的参展商 Exhibitors: 6,590 from 39 countries and regions 展会概况: Exhibition overview: 由中国汽车工业国际合作有限公司和法兰克福展览(上海)有限公司共同主办的Automechanika Shanghai自2004起经过十多年的快速发展,现已成为全球规模大的汽车零部件、维修检测设备及服务用品展览会。2019年规模更是空前高涨,总展出面积达到36万平方米、6590家海内外参展商、14个展馆、130个国家及地区的159728名专业观众和买家(国外占40%左右)、80多个国内外展团参加本次展会。展会同期举办60多场汽配行业高端论坛及研讨会。 Automechanika Shanghai, co-sponsored by China automotive industry international cooperation co., ltd. and Frankfurt exhibition (Shanghai) co., LTD., has become the world's largest auto parts, maintenance and testing equipment and service supplies exhibition after more than 10 years of rapid development since 2004. The scale of 2019 is even more unprecedented, with a total exhibition area of 360,000 square meters, 6590 domestic and overseas exhibitors, 14 pavilions, over 159,728 professional visitors and buyers from 130 countries and regions (about 40% abroad), and more than 80 domestic and foreign delegations participating in the exhibition. During the same period, the exhibition held more than 60 high-end BBS and seminars in auto parts industry. 展品范围: Exhibits: 1、部件及组件 1. Components and components 驱动系统及配件、驾驶系统及配件、底盘部分及配件、制动系统及配件、车身部分、 标准件、汽车内饰、可替代能源、充电用附件、再制造零部件 Driving system and accessories, driving system and accessories, chassis part and accessories, braking system and accessories, body part, Standard parts, automotive interior, alternative energy, charging accessories, remanufactured parts 2、电子及系统 2. Electronics and systems 汽车电机电器、车辆照明、电路系统、协助驾驶系统/车辆安全、舒适性电子产品 Automotive electrical appliances, vehicle lighting, electrical system, assistance driving system/vehicle safety, comfort electronics 3、汽车用品 3. Auto supplies 汽车膜、车载电子、汽车油品及润滑、座椅、踏板、车衣、遮阳挡、香水、车载冰箱、 桃木饰件、车门衬板、坐垫、方向盘套 Automobile film, on-board electronics, automobile oil and lubrication, seats, pedals, clothing, sunshade, perfume, on-board refrigerator, Mahogany trim, door liner, seat cushion, steering wheel cover 4、汽车改装 4. Car modification 汽车装饰装潢、随车户外用品、改装工具、行李架、顶箱、汽车改装、改装俱乐部、设计改进、客户订制、通讯娱乐、特种车辆装备及改进、新能源车、改装用轮胎、轮辋、轮毂、胎压监测系统、拖车及其配件用品、房车 Automobile decoration and decoration, vehicle outdoor supplies, refitting tools, luggage rack, roof box, vehicle modification and modification club, design improvement, customer ordering, communication and entertainment, special vehicle equipment and improvement, new energy vehicle, modification tires, rims, wheel hub, tire pressure monitoring system, trailer and its accessories, and trailer 5、修理及维护 5. Repair and maintenance 维修站设备及工具、车身修补设备、喷漆与防腐保护、轻型及重型多用途车辆环保设备 Maintenance station equipment and tools, vehicle repair equipment, paint and corrosion protection, light and heavy multi-purpose vehicle environmental protection equipment 6、IT及管理 6. IT and management 汽车行业软件、媒体、营销中心规划及建造、汽车汽配营销及管理 Auto industry software, media, marketing center planning and construction, auto parts marketing and management 7、汽车加油、汽车清洁及保养 7. Car refueling, car cleaning and maintenance 加油站规划及建造、加油站设备、汽车清洁保养用品及设备、润滑及设备 Gas station planning and construction, gas station equipment, car cleaning and maintenance supplies and equipment, lubrication and equipment 中国汽配展会招展组展代理品牌单位! China auto parts exhibition invite exhibition group exhibition agency brand unit! 招商办:聚朗展览(上海)有限公司 联系人:李杰 手机:18816562136 13052068878 QQ在线咨询:211364289 电话:17521793998 邮箱:211364289(at)qq(dot)com 作为覆盖汽车全产业链,并且致力于为国内外业内人士提供信息交流、行业推广、商贸服务和产业教育的专业 服务平台,Automechanika Shanghai 2020各项数据再创新高,展会面积达38万平方米,吸引了来自43个国家 和地区的6,590家参展企业,以及159,728名海内外专业观众。 汽车用品及改装板块是Automechanika Shanghai发展战略中的重要一环,在汽车消费市场快速扩张的背景下, 发展势头迅猛、品牌丰富、影响力日益深远。 品牌展商齐聚 来自中国、德国、美国等超过20个国家和地区的不同领域展商将携***产品、技术及服务理念等亮相,实现 新品发布、品牌宣传、渠道扩展、行业交流等业务拓展目标。 紧跟行业趋势,打造车载电子展区 根据发改委发布的《智能汽车创新发展战略》(征求意见稿),预计到2020年,中国市场上智能汽车新车占有 比例将达到50% 1 ,智能化、电动化、网联化、个性化已经成为汽车产业发展的必然趋势。用品及改装板块 紧跟趋势,将展示热门的辅助驾驶系统、联网信息娱乐系统等,精准打造车载电子展区。 聚焦行业热点,持续关注供应链及终端服务创新模式 延续备受关注的“供应链及终端服务连锁专区”,汇聚供应链、电商平台、数据管理、连锁品牌等后市场终端 服务商,以互联网技术为驱动,展示业界***成果。专区将持续关注行业创新服务模式,整合连接行业各类 资源渠道,为汽车服务终端提供完善的解决方案。 “赛车及高性能改装活动区”精彩继续 2018年“赛车及高性能改装活动区”有近20场主题演讲,吸引超过6,000名来自改装店、品牌授权改装厂、 赛车俱乐部等相关行业的专业观众。2019年将延续这一主题,聚焦国际赛事,结合赛车及高性能改装部件 展示、技术解析等全面展示赛车文化及高性能改装市场发展前景。 展会发布者资料; 单位: 聚朗展览(上海)有限公司 ![]() 姓名: 李杰 电话: 021-61853420 |