2021德国埃森焊接切割展览会SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN call:王晶 Alisa (1870. 166. 1896 weixin 同号 ) 展会时间:2021年9月13日-17日 展会地点:德国埃森会展中心 举办周期:四年一届 主办单位:德国埃森展览有限公司 组展单位:北京融合国际展览有限公司 展会概况: 德国埃森焊接与切割展每四年举办一次,是由德国埃森展览公司及德国焊接学会共同主办,这是全球具有风向标的焊接技术展会。德国埃森焊接展作为焊接行业的奥林匹克盛会,展示了一个充满了创新和活力的焊接领域,可以反映当前国际焊接技术的现状和发展趋势。展会为粘接领域的企业开辟了专门展区,使他们能集中展示自己,有目标的开发新的客户,另一专业展区是质量测试展区,他们包括测试与质量保证行业的生产厂家和服务提供商。 You have the unique opportunity to present innovative products to interested trade visitors in a particularly appealing ambiance. Engage in high-quality discussions and take advantage of the international diversity of the visitors. Make valuable contacts from around the world quickly and easily, establishing your company on the global market. But that’s not all: trade visitors attending SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN traditionally exhibit a high appetite for investment, fostering your business success at the trade fair. In 2021, the unsurpassed range of the world’s leading trade fair will once again cover the entire value chain, attracting numerous top decision-makers, experts and market leaders from all sectors. Key topics, including additive manufacturing, Industry 4.0 and underwater engineering, will all be showcased in hall 1A. This is a unique opportunity to experience and discuss further developments in automation, robotics and production. Become part of the future and register today as an exhibitor at SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN 2021! 展会回顾: 在2017年的展会共有41个国家的1030家展商参展,中国参展企业达210家企业参展企业,展览面积4500平米。 展品范围: 焊接设备:各类电弧焊、等离子焊、电阻焊、固态压焊、激光焊、电渣焊、表面堆焊、摩擦焊接、电子束焊接设备和加工设备,硬(软)钎焊设备、专用成套焊接设备、喷涂设备、焊接机器人等 切割设备:数控切割机、等离子切割机、激光切割机、火焰切割机、金属切削机床、金属薄板切割机床和加工中心、剪切机、水力切割机械、线切割机床、管材切割机等金属加工切机设备等 焊接辅机具:焊装器具、焊接工具、自动操作机、滚轮架、送丝机、夹具等 焊机配套件:焊枪、焊炬、焊接防护面罩、防护服、防护手套、烟气抽放装置、电极、陶瓷件、绝缘件、流量机、气体配比器、电缆等 焊接材料及消耗品:各种焊条、焊剂、焊丝、焊粉、焊膏等焊接材料; 焊缝检测仪器:焊缝探伤仪器、自动跟踪装置、检测仪器、焊缝金相分析仪器等; 展会发布者资料; 单位: 北京融合国际展览有限公司 ![]() 姓名: 王晶 电话: 18701661896 |