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罗马尼亚求购服装英国求购大码男士 T 恤

国家/地区: 德国
举办城市: 杜塞尔多夫
展馆名称: 杜塞尔多夫展览中心
举办时间: 2020/06/26~2020/06/01

2020年德国德鲁巴印刷展 Drupa

展会时间:2020 年 6 月 16 日-26 日





展览顾问:林小小 15637776797(同微信)


德国德鲁巴国际印刷展览会是国际上***富盛名的印刷展会,该展览会堪称印刷和造纸工业的奥运盛会,被业内人士称作“印度人的盛典”。德国德鲁巴国际印刷展览会每四年一届,上届展会“Drupa2016”,共设 19 个展区,参展面积达 16.6 万平方米,来自世界各地 52 个国家的 1800 余家参展商展出了各自的新产品和新技术,其中有 60%的参展商来自德国以外的国家和地区,共接待来自 138 个国家的专业观众约31.4 万人次。

Drupa stands for cutting-edge technologies and new solutions that can open up new target groups from extremely different markets. International, informative, future-oriented, congenial, and perfectly organized – that’s how exhibitors and visitors characterize drupa – no. 1 for printing technologies.

Drupa 展览会预示了未来四、五年内印刷技术的发展趋势,在这里人们可以对未来印刷技术的发展趋势有一个透彻的了解,而且为印刷界企业提供了一个理想的商贸洽谈平台;在这里参展商也探测到市场的需求,为自己寻求一个更广阔的生存空间,寻找***商机。

Drupa provides crucial impulses for print, media, packaging production, and industrial applications – especially in the vertical markets as well. The world’s leading trade fair for printing technologies offers outstanding networking opportunities and potential for excellent business dealings. This is where innovations are brought into the market, new business models are developed, and new partnerships are formed.

Drupa is an international magnet for visitor target groups from a wide variety of industries. In addition to the printing and packaging industry, there are also groups from vertical markets such as consumer goods, luxury goods, cosmetics, bank and safety technology, and many more. More than half of its visitors come to drupa with specific investment projects.


▼印前加工(系统-器材-软件):设计与排版、数据库出版与数据通讯、PDF 出版、网络出版、自动化印刷模板生产、CTP/CTF、工作流程系统、JDF/MIS





· Print:At drupa 2020, exhibitors will present the trend universes of print and reach new customers and new markets all over the world.

· 3D print:Numerous “classic” drupa exhibitors are working with this technology and will be presenting exciting solutions at their stands. So-called “first movers” will also be on hand.

· Packing Production:Against the background of markets that are growing internationally and increasing demands of the industries and branded companies, packaging production will be one of drupa’s hot topics again in 2020.

· Functional Printing:The term “functional printing” covers innovative printing processes for many applications and solutions from different vertical markets.

· Industrial Printing:The major themes of automation and robotics, new work flows in the production process, and the next generation of industry 4.0 will be at the center of many discussions.

· Future Technologies:Our exhibitor’s innovative and novel interior furnishings will lead the industry into the future again at drupa 2020.

单位: 北京领汇国际展览 营业执照已上传
姓名: 林翠翠
电话: 15637776797
本信息由展览公司自行发布, 内容真实性由发布者负责。

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