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以色列求购数据线(data cable)[有图]
Dear Hallo,
Please send your best price for the following demand:
1. 8PC'S of 500m tactical Coaxial IFL. Cables TFOCAII plug on both sides + metal Drum, cable should be same performance like the LMR-600 ultra flexible
2. 8PC'S of 500m tactical Ethernet cabling- CAT7 + metal drum
3. 8PC'S of 500m tactical Fiber optic cable (need 6, 2 backup) + metal drum with the following specifications in each cable: 8 channels, Singel Mode, LC connector on each side
Prices to FOB Ashdod Israel
It is very Urgent!
11-14分值:9 vip
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* 公众号浏览询盘节省20%积分 (微信公众号: kuaguocaigou 发送cx 1254985 查看本询盘.)